
Raising Support Tickets

If you're a customer and looking to create a support ticket, the level of support will depend on what tier of FlowForge you're using:

  • FlowForge Cloud Customers: Raise a support ticket. Tickets will be replied to within one business day.
  • Enterprise Customers: Raise a support ticket. Tickets will be replied to within the negotiated SLA.
  • Community Support: Users should raise a GitHub issue in the main FlowForge repository

Support Tickets


We use HubSpot to manage our customer support tickets for the managed FlowForge platform. We can give each FlowForge team member access to HubSpot by assigning them a seat.

If you wish to be granted access to HubSpot please post in the FlowForge support-tickets Slack channel.

Whenever a customer raises a new ticket or replies with an update a message is posted into slack #support-tickets. This will allow the whole team visibility of customer issues, comments on the Slack thread will be added to the ticket as notes.

When the customer has used the support widget you can communicate with that customer in real-time using the support-tickets Slack channel.

When replying to the ticket one should have the intent to always reply with links to FlowForge articles or documentation. If these resources are missing, please start or update where applicable.

HubSpot uses notes and responses within the thread, notes are internal and not sent to the customer, responses are sent to the customer.

We monitor the time since a ticket on HubSpot was last updated and send alerts to slack #support-tickets where those tickets have not been updated for longer than:

  • 1 day for customer created support tickets.

Scope of Support

FlowForge customers will only get support for issues relating to the FlowForge application or their account & billing. Any questions around Node-RED itself or their flows should be redirected to the usual Node-RED community channels, e.g. Discourse or Slack.

3rd party nodes are not supported at this time. It is reasonable to point a customer direct to a repo for a 3rd party node question.


Support will be available between during business hours (Berlin time zones) Monday to Friday, with anything outside of those hours on a 'best effort' basis unless the customer and FlowForge agreed otherwise. Our aim is to provide an initial response or acknowledgement to a customer's ticket within 4 hours during those times.


Where the issue relates to a bug in the flowforge application then the person dealing with the ticket should aim to reproduce that bug and then raise an appropriate issue in GitHub, The issue should reference the support ticket but not mention the customer by name. Once raised the issue url should be added to the ticket and shared with the customer for visibility. The ticket should not be closed until the bug is resolved.