Vacation Policy

FlowForge has a unlimited time off policy. Taking vacation is encouraged for all team members. To prevent an undefined number of vacation days to start a race to the bottom, we recommend each team member to take a minimum of 25 days a year, and at least 5 days a quarter.

Logging time off

When taking more than 3 days off consecutively, tell (don't ask) your manager. This ensure scheduling of work and operations continue to run smoothly without you. When taking over 2 weeks of consecutively seek approval from your manager.

Before you can take time off you should always:

  • Log your time off in Deel
  • Add an 'Out of office' appointment in your personal Google Calendar, and decline all meetings automatically.

Sick leave

Sick leave, or having limited availability is not recorded currently. Keep your manager updated on your health, and let them know what FlowForge can do for you to aid in your recovery.

Parental Leave

If you live in a country where a statutory Parental Leave benefit is available, you will be required to claim statutory Parental Leave pay (if you are eligible).

Any employee can take up to 6-weeks if they wish without requiring manager approval. We recommend a minimum of 4 weeks, but recognise it's a personal choice to make. Further leave can be requested, but should be discussed with your manager. Inform your manager of the expected new family member at least 16 weeks before the due date to qualify to the extended parental leave.

If you live in a country that offers statutory leave longer than this, then FlowForge will abide by this.