Content Channels

Each content type has channels which are appropriate, this table sets out which content should be posted on each channel.

Content Blog Mailing List Twitter Youtube LinkedIn Reddit Node-RED Slack Node-RED Discourse
Release * * * * * * *
Patch * * * *
Planned Downtime * * * * *
Corporate Comms * * *
Newsletter * * * * * * *
How To * * * * * *

Channel Content Guidance


Content should be eloquent and an appropriate length to communicate the message.

Mailing List

Content should be eloquent and an appropriate length to communicate the message.


Keep it short, Tweets should be factual, informal and have a call to action (a link) where a user can read more.


Videos should:

  • Include opening and closing idents.
  • Be clear in what they are communicating.
  • Have an appropriate thumbnail.
  • Have a call to action in the description.
  • Be publicly listed.


Posts should be framed in the context of FlowForge as an organisation and a team, don't get too technical. A relevant photo or image should be included in every post. Where the post is primarily of a video it should be embedded from Youtube. Where possible include the content in the post rather than linking out to external content.


Keep it short, Reddit posts should be factual, informal and have a call to action (a link) where a user can read more. If the content is a video we should post that directly on Reddit as that should result in greater interaction.

Node-RED Slack (FlowForge section)

Keep it short, Slack messages should be factual, informal and have a call to action (a link) where a user can read more.

Discourse (Node-RED Forums)

Keep content short, posts to the Node-RED discord should be factual, informal and have a call to action (a link) where a user can read more.